Ongoing National Projects
31FPE/31.12.2021- Institutional development of Victor Babes National Institute from performance to excellence in health domain 2022-2024
PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0549 - Portrayal of antigen presenting cells in cutaneous melanoma - innovative pillars for harnessing immunotherapy 2022-2024
PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-2243 - Polifactorial protocol of diagnosis in diabetic neuropathy 2022-2024
PN– Functional triad in experimental psoriasis: immune system - skin – gut 2023-2026
Ongoing International Projects
COST Action CA21108 - European Network for Skin Engineering and Modeling (NetSkinModels) 2022-2025
CA21135 - Modelling immunotherapy response and toxicity in cancer (IMMUNO-model)
ECO-AERoGELS - CIG18125 2023-2025
Past recent projects
PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0341 – Multi-diciplinary platform for increasing institutional capacity in dermato-oncology and dermato-pathology 2018-2021
PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0782 – Innovative approaches in predictive regenerative medicine 2018-2021
PN Correlative circuits between epigenomic and epitranscriptomic alteration in skin tumorigenesis– identification and filtration for events in m6A/m5C-dependent editing as future molecular therapy targets 2019 - 2021
POC - 52/2016 “Expertise implementation in biomedical research by knowledge transfer to private companies in order to validate products and services in medical biotechnologies and health” 2016 - 2021
Proiect P_37_732Transfer de cunoștințe în domeniul biologiei redox pentru dezvoltarea de instrumente moleculare avansate în boli neurodegenerative – semnătura factorului de transcripție Nrf2 pentru diagnostic și terapie – REDBRAIN 2016 - 2021
Past International Projects
Study of the healing and immuno-modulating activity of new in situ gelling formulations, Coordinator Department of Pharmacy of the University of Salerno 2022
Projects with Private Companies
Improvement and efficacy testing of compounds from hyperimmune eggs – ROMVAC 2019 – 2020
International collaborations

Amanda Bulman
Bio-Rad R&D, Philadelphia

Gunna Christiansen
Aarhus University

Emanuela Corsini
University of Milan

Basak Engin University of Ankara

Concettina Fenga
University of Messina

Antonio Hernandez
University of Granada

Caterina Longo
University of Modena

Dragana Nikitovic-Tzanakaki
Heraklion University

Petra Henrich-Noah
Universtity of Muenster

Iulia Dana Popescu
University of Pittsburgh

Mikhail I Shtilman
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Aristides Tsatsakis
Heraklion University

Ourania Tsitsilonis
University of Athens

Wolfgang Voelter
University of Tuebingen

Donato Zipeto
University of Verona