1. SH-SY5Y Cell Line In Vitro Models for Parkinson Disease Research—Old Practice for New Trends

    OC Ioghen, Laura Cristina Ceafalan, Bogdan Ovidiu Popescu

    A Integr. Neurosci. 2023; 22(1): 20 ISSN: 1757-448X

  2. The Potential Benefits of Drug-Repositioning in Muscular Dystrophies-capitol carte

    Advances in Muscular Dystrophy Research – From Cellular and Molecular Basis to Therapies IntechOpen 10.5772/intechopen.110714

    Ioana Maria Lambrescu, Emilia Manole, Laura Cristina Ceafalan, Gisela Gaina

  3. Myokine Expression in Cancer Cachexia – capitol carte

    Interdisciplinary Cancer Research, Springer, Cham.

    Emilia Manole, Laura Cristina Ceafalan, Gisela Gaina, Oana Alexandra Mosoia, Mihail Eugen Hinescu

  4. Platelet-Rich Plasma in Dermatology: New Insights on the Cellular Mechanism of Skin Repair and Regeneration

    Life (Basel). 2023 Dec 25;14(1):40. doi: 10.3390/life14010040.

    Manole CG, Soare C, Ceafalan LC, Voiculescu VM.

  5. The Potential Benefits of Drug-Repurposing in Muscular Dystrophies
    Editura IntecOpen

    DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.110714

    Ioana Lambrescu, Emilia Manole, Laura Ceafalan, Gisela Gaina

  1. Application of Droplet Digital PCR Technology in Muscular Dystrophies Research

    International Journal of Molecular Science 2022,23, 4802.

    Ioana Maria Lambrescu*, Alexandra Popa*, Emilia Manole, Laura Cristina Ceafalan, Gisela Gaina

    * equal contribution

  2. Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells in Aging: Asymmetric/Symmetric Division Switching
    Symmetry 2022, 14(12), 2676;

    Emilia Manole, Gisela Gaina, Laura Cristina Ceafalan*, Mihail Eugen Hinescu

    *corresponding author

  3. SH-SY5Y cell line in vitro models for Parkinson disease research – old practice for new trends

    Journal of Integrative Neuroscience (in press)

    Octavian Ioghen, LAURA CEAFALAN*, Bogdan O. Popescu

  4. Peri(vascular)cytes identity in the brain

    Journal of Cell Identity 2022 | Issue 2: 35–54

    Laura Cristina Ceafalan, Elena Codrici, Simona Mihai, Daniela-Ionela Popescu, Ana Maria Enciu, Octavian Ioghen, Cristina Niculite, Ioana Lambrescu, Mihaela Gherghiceanu, Ralf Kinscherf, Sawa Kostin

  5. Dermal Telocytes: A Different Viewpoint of Skin Repairing and Regeneration
    Cells. 2022 Dec 2;11(23):3903. doi: 10.3390/cells11233903
    Manole CG, Gherghiceanu M, Ceafalan LC*, Hinescu ME.

  1. Macrophages and Stem Cells—Two to Tango for Tissue Repair?

    Biomolecules, 2021, 11(5), 697

    Emilia Manole, Cristina Niculițe, Ioana Maria Lambrescu, Gisela Gaina, Octavian Ioghen, Laura Cristina Ceafalan, Mihail Eugen Hinescu

  2. Combining Protein Expression and Molecular Data Improves Mutation Characterization of Dystrophinopathies.

    Frontiers in Neurology, 2021, 12:718396

    Gaina Gisela, Vossen RHAM, Manole Emilia Plesca Doina A, Ionica E

  3. Potential roles of functional bacterial amyloid proteins, bacterial biosurfactants and other putative gut microbiota products in the etiopathogeny of Parkinson’s Disease

    BIOCELL 45 (1) , pp.1-16

    Emilia Manole, Laura Dumitrescu, Cristina Niculițe, Bogdan Ovidiu Popescu, Laura Cristina Ceafalan

  4. Serum and Fecal Markers of Intestinal Inflammation and Intestinal Barrier Permeability Are Elevated in Parkinson’s Disease

    Front Neurosci, 2021, 15:689723.

    Dumitrescu L, Marta D, Danau A, Lefter A, Tulba D, Cozma L, Manole E,Gherghiceanu M, Ceafalan LC,Popescu BO

  5. Dietary Phytoestrogens and Their Metabolites as Epigenetic

    Modulators with Impact on Human Health

    Antioxidants 2021, 10, 189

    Victor Stefan Ionescu, Alexandra Popa, Andrei Alexandru, Emilia Manole, Mihaela Neagu, Sevinci Pop

  6. Immune Axonal Neuropathies

    Associated With Systemic

    Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases

    Front. Pharmacol., 2021, 12:610585.

    Tulba D, Popescu BO, Manole E, Baicus C

  7. CD36 – A novel molecular target in the neurovascular unit
    Eur J Neurosci, 2021, 53(8), 2500-2510 doi: 10.1111/ejn.15147

    Octavian Ioghen  Leona Chițoiu  Mihaela Gherghiceanu  Laura Cristina Ceafalan,  Mihail Eugen Hinescu

  1. Mageriu V, Manole E, Bastian AE, Staniceanu F. Role of myokines in myositis pathogenesis and their potential to be new therapeutic targets in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. J Immunol Res, 2020, in press

  2. Gene expression profile of adhesion and extracellular matrix molecules during early stages of skeletal muscle regeneration

     J Cell Mol Med. 2020;00:1–11

    Laura C. Ceafalan, Maria Dobre, Elena Milanesi, Andrei M. Niculae, Emilia Manole, Mihaela Gherghiceanu, Mihail E. Hinescu

  3. Non-Myelinating Schwann Cells in Health and Disease

    Schwann Cells, Editura InTech, 2020

    Octavian Ioghen, Emilia Manole, Mihaela Gherghiceanu, Bogdan O. Popescu and Laura Cristina Ceafalan


  1. Albulescu R, Popa AC, Enciu AM, Albulescu L, Dudau M, Popescu ID, Mihai S, Codrici E, Pop S, Lupu AR, Stan GE, Manda G, Tanase C.; Comprehensive In Vitro Testing of Calcium Phosphate-Based Bioceramics with Orthopedic and Dentistry Applications. Materials (Basel). 2019, 12(22). pii: E3704. doi: 10.3390/ma12223704;

  2. Pop S, Enciu AM, Tarcomnicu I, Gille E, Tanase C; Phytochemicals in cancer prevention: modulating epigenetic alterations of DNA methylation, Phytochemistry Reviews, 2019, 18 (4), pp 1005–1024;;

  3. Bastian AE; Jugulete G; Manole, E; Oprisan LA. A rare case of mitochondriopathy with autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia diagnosed through skeletal muscle biopsy. Rom J Morphol Embryol, 2019, 60(1): 273-279.

  4. Constantin C, Lupu AR, Fertig TE, Gherghiceanu M, Pop S, Ion RM, Neagu M; Unveiling Ga(III) phthalocyanine-a different photosensitizer in neuroblastoma cellular model; Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2019, 23(2):1086-1094, doi:10.1111/jcmm.14009;

  5. Age-related ultrastructural changes of the basement membrane in the mouse blood-brain barrier.J Cell Mol Med. 2019 Feb;23(2):819-827.Ceafalan LC, Fertig TE, Gheorghe TC, Hinescu ME, Popescu BO, Pahnke J, Gherghiceanu M. 4.658

  1. Manole E; Ceafalan LC; Popescu BO; Dumitru C; Bastian AE, Myokines as possible therapeutic targets in cancer cachexia, J Immunol Res, 2018, ID: 8260742, DOI: 10.1155/2018/8260742.

  1. Manole E; Ceafalan LC; Popescu BO; Dumitru C; Bastian AE, Myokines as possible therapeutic targets in cancer cachexia, J Immunol Res, 2018, ID: 8260742, DOI: 10.1155/2018/8260742.

  2. Pop S, Enciu AM, Necula LG, Tanase C. Long non-coding RNAs in brain tumours: Focus on recent epigenetic findings in glioma, J Cell Mol Med. 2018, Oct;22(10):4597-4610. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.13781

  3. Jurcut RO, Bastian AE, Militaru S, Popa A, Manole E, Popescu BA, Tallila J, Popescu BO, Ginghina CD. Discovery of a new mutation in the desmin gene in a young patient with cardiomyopathy and muscular weakness. Rom J Morphol Embryol, 2017, 58(1): 225-230.

  4. Manole E, Bastian AE, Butoianu N, Goebel HH. Myositis non-inflammatory mechanisms: An up-dated review. J Immunoassay Immunochem, 2017, 38 (2): 115-126.

  5. Balas M, Constanda S, Duma-Voiculet A, Prodana M, Hermenean A, Pop S, Demetrescu I, Dinischiotu A. Fabrication and toxicity characterization of a hybrid material based on oxidized and aminated MWCNT loaded with carboplatin. Toxicol In Vitro; 2016; 37:189-200. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2016.09.011.

  6. Neagu M, Constantin C, Tampa M, Matei C, Lupu A, Manole E, Ion RM, Fenga C, Tsatsakis AM. Toxicological and efficacy assessment of post-transition metal (Indium) phthalocyanine for photodynamic therapy in neuroblastoma. Oncotarget, 2016, 7(43): 69718-69732.

  7. Dumitrache F, Morjan I, Fleaca C, Badoi A, Manda G, Pop S, Marta DS, Huminic G, Huminic A, Vekas L, Daia C, Marinica O, Luculescu C, Niculescu AM; Highly magnetic Fe2O3 nanoparticles synthesized by laser pyrolysis used for biological and heat transfer applications; 2015, Applied Surface Science, 336: 297–303.

  8. Anghelache LI, Comanescu M, Dumitrache F, Badoi A, Fleaca CT, Marinescu B, Pop S,  Isvoranu G, Nicorescu V, Criveanu M: Preliminary Toxicology study of L-Dopa-coated ironoxide nanoparticles in mice, Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2015, Volume: 38, SI: 1, Pages: 158-159.

  9. Manole E, Ceafalan LC, Oproiu AM, Popa-Wagner A, Popescu BO. Claudin-1 and occludin expression in demyelinating peripheral neuropathies. Rom J Morphol Embryol, 2015, 56(3):1097–1102.

  10. Ceafalan LC, Manole E, Pistol Tanase C, Codrici E, Mihai S, Gonzalez A, Popescu BO. Interstitial outburst of angiogenic factors during skeletal muscle regeneration after acute mechanical trauma, Anatomical Rec, 2015, 298:1864–1879.

  11. Marcu A, Pop S, Dumitrache F, Mocanu M, Niculite CM, Gherghiceanu M, Lungu CP, Fleaca C, Ianchis R, Barbut A, Grigoriu C, Morjan I, Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as drug delivery system in breast cancer, 2013, Applied Surface Science 281: 60–65.