EEA Grant 2014-2021, Contract No 6/2019

Improving quality of life for Autism Spectrum Disorders patients by promoting strategies for early diagnosis and preventive measures


Project Promotor: Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry” Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia”, Bucharest, Romania

Partner 1: University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Partner 2: “Victor Babes” National Institute of Pathology, Bucharest, Romania


Rezumat: The project focuses on autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), complex neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by extreme clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Although ASDs have been at the forefront of basic and clinical research worldwide, these conditions still pose challenges for healthcare professionals, families, and patients. The current project is a translational approach, from clinical characteristics, neurobiological and genetic mechanisms to clinical populations, carried out in collaboration between Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry (OHP), Victor Babes National Institute of Pathology (IVB) and University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital (OU). The complex evaluation of a cohort of patients with ASDs will contribute to the establishment of the Romanian Registry for ASD, and will offer data for improving the early diagnosis and for a better understanding of ASDs mechanisms. Project scope: Knowledge development for preventive medical and social strategies aimed at improving the quality of life for children, teens, and young adults with ASD. Project objectives: improvement of early recognition and clinical diagnosis of ASD; development and implementation of a comprehensive protocol for genetic testing and biomedical imaging; devising recommendations for patient-centered intervention plans; initiating the establishment the Romanian National Registry for ASDs. Expected results: implemented protocols for early clinical recognition of ASDs; optimized protocols for genetic characterization of ASDs patients; systematic characterization of brain structural characteristics by MRI; patient tailored intervention plans to be disseminated in the medical community; Romanian National ASDs Registry database

This project is financed with funds from the EEA Grants Research Programme 2014 – 2021 and is managed by Project Promotor, Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry” Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia”, together with UEFSCDI.
